Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello from Cheyenne, Wyoming!  It is currently 0 degrees Fahrenheit and snowing sideways.  My dearest cousin is checking in with her new Air Force unit while I cruise around downtown.  I visited The Plains Hotel and chatted with the band Atomic Tom, who were on there way from New York to the west coast for their first cross-country tour.  Now I'm taking advantage of the free wireless internet at the Cheyenne Depot, or "The most beautiful railroad station between Omaha and Sacramento".  Check out the picture above; impressive, yes?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess! Fun to find your blog :-) Didn't know you had one.

    Looking forward to seeing you guys again in March for the run, if not sooner! I took a fun (adventurous) trail run over the weekend to get some training mileage. Tell Katie that I send her good luck and best wishes in Wyoming! Brrrrr...
